Be careful when driving in Finland, especially if you see a warning sign about moose, deer or reindeer. Animals are most active during dusk and dawn, but they can cross the road unexpectedly at any time of the day. If you see a warning sign, adjust your speed and keep a safe distance from the car in front of you.
Finland has one venomous snake, the viper, or kyy in Finnish. If you’re outdoors during the warmer months, watch your step and wear boots that cover your ankles. If you plan to spend a good bit of time in nature, visit a local pharmacy and buy a first aid kit (kyypakkaus). And if you’re bitten by a snake, call 112 and head to a hospital or doctor’s office immediately.
Mosquitoes are a nuisance during the summer. Ticks are found throughout the country, except the most northern parts of Finnish Lapland, and they can spread TBE and Borrelia. Wear long-sleeved shirts, clothes that cover your skin and bug repellent. Your highest risk of encountering ticks is on the coast and in the archipelago area. Statistically, though, the risk of contracting a tick-borne disease is low.