

On Sviskär, the neighbouring island, you can stay in a so called “hermit cabin”. This is a log cottage matching the houses that once were built in fishing villages in the outer archipelago. The cottage has four beds and the island is an electricity-free area.

The beach sauna is heated with wood and the bathing water is fetched from nature. In the evenings you can sit and enjoy the simple life in the light of a photogenic lamp!

On Sviskär you can completely disconnect yourself from the outside world. You listen to the voices of the nature, walk on the beach and pick berries and mushrooms. As a guest at Sviskär you have an island of 28 ha for yourself!

Where in Finland ?



Suitable experience in April, May, June, July, August, September


Silverskär Islands

Mokas 24, 22430 Saltvik
Visit website